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Recruitment FAQ's

Find some frequently asked questions regarding recruitment here! Have a question we didn’t already answer? Contact us via email or social media.



When is recruitment?

Recruitment is usually the second or third week of the semester! All dates, times, and locations will be officially announced on social media and on the home page of the website once decided!


What do I need to bring?

Nothing! Just bring yourself, and maybe wear an outfit to fit the theme if you’d like to. We’ll take care of the rest.


How does recruitment work?

Recruitment events are planned to last approximately one hour and are just a time for us to meet you as a chapter. You choose us, so there’s no pressure at all. We just want to get to know you! After the recruitment event (and if you choose to), you will have a short, 10-15 minute meeting with the officers where they will get to know you and your walk with Christ more personally. That’s it!


What does it mean if I decide to join?

First of all, welcome to Phi Lamb! We define joining as someone who has come to a recruitment event, done an introduction, and gone through induction. From there, you are officially one of our new members. You’ll get paired with a big (yay!), be able to come to any of our events, and begin your new member semester. See below for a sneak peek!


What is it like being a new member?

Our new members get almost the exact experiences our actives do! The only additional requirements of being a new member are new member meetings, which last typically an hour, new member retreat (usually a full day or overnight weekend), and new member dues. All of these times are organized so that you are able to learn more about our history, our new member educators, and each other! You are only a new member for the semester you join Phi Lamb. At the end of the semester, all new members are invited to attend initiation where they become fully active sisters of our chapter!


Can I do a Panhellenic sorority and Phi Lamb?

Absolutely! Phi Lamb’s purpose is to not only glorify God but to also give the women of our chapter and Ole Miss a community of fellow Christ-loving sisters. We fully acknowledge that we are all college students, and try to plan events as sporadically as possible to not overload your calendar. So, yes, you can do both! We’ve had previous officers in both a Panhellenic sorority and Phi Lamb, as well as sisters in band, the Honors College, Croft, and a multitude of other organizations!



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